Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Class; 16th May

Class was interesting today, we got to watch the two films once again but this time, we analysed it instead of merely watching. It was something new to me because I've never tried to look at a film critically in that way before. I came to know that when you really pay attention and look at the different aspects of how it's shot and look at the film as one whole, one can see the beauty of the story and why the plot was in the way that it was. I came to appreciate "Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge' much more than I did during the first time I watched it. I noticed a whole lot of things as well, and I could somehow picture the vision that the director had when he was making the film, it was very interesting. For example, when the main character was running and running and running, if you look at my post before this, I honestly thought that repetitiveness in the film made it incredibly boring but right now, I began to see the purpose in the scenes and how important it was to create that effect of a dream for the audience. As for the film, 'Night and Fog', I wasn't looking forward to Rey playing the film again, and I was glad that he didn't. I don't think I could have sat through the film again. 

I did feel brain drained during class though, it was something different because I could answer some of the questions but there were also questions that left me dumb founded, I had no answer and I felt stressed out. My shoulder's ached and well, I just couldn't think at times. Overall, I think the class was amazingly interesting and it did show me a different perspective of watching films. 

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